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Welcome from the Dean
I am pleased to invite you to join me for the Wharton Global Alumni Forum that will take place in Hong Kong on May 25-26, 2007. This will be the 13th Global Alumni Forum we have held in Asia and the second in Hong Kong. We look forward to returning to the site of our 1996 event.
The theme for the 2007 forum in Hong Kong is “Up and Down the Capitalist Road.” This theme represents the experience of not only Hong Kong, but also China, Asia and the world as a whole in the 11 years since we last met in this great city. Perhaps the most important lesson we have learned in these intervening years is just how interconnected and interdependent we all are. There are very few simply local or regional issues. We now understand that we must examine every major challenge in its broadest, global context.
Under the leadership of Chairman Paul M.F. Cheng, WG’61, the organizing committee is putting together an excellent program for the Global Alumni Forum in Hong Kong. For those of you who have attended forums in the past, you know that one of the most important benefits of participation is the personal and professional networking that takes place between sessions and at the meals. For those of you who have not yet attended a Global Alumni Forum, I urge you to consider joining your classmates, professors, and thought leaders from government and industry for a unique experience.
I look forward to seeing you at the Wharton Global Alumni Forum in Hong Kong on May 25-26, 2007.

Patrick T. Harker, CE’81, GCE’81, GR’83, HOM’87
The Wharton School
The University of Pennsylvania