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Welcome from the Honorary Chairman
Dear Wharton Alumni:
As Honorary Chairman, I am delighted to invite you to attend the Wharton Global Alumni Forum in Hong Kong.
In my seven decades as an entrepreneur and businessman, I have had the privilege of meeting and working with countless individuals who are products of world renowned institutions of higher education. I firmly believe that a lifelong commitment to training and learning is critical to success in the public and private sectors. Wharton has always been in the forefront in providing a superior education and solid training ground for future leaders. Today, the school continues to prepare the men and women who will change our world for the better.
Hong Kong, by virtue of its unique location and its status and role as a Special Administrative Region, is a wonderful place to learn about the business prospects for all of Greater China. The Forum’s Organizing Committee is putting together a particularly strong and relevant program for your personal enjoyment and professional development.
It is my great honor and privilege to have my name associated with the Wharton School and this important opportunity for continuing education.

Kuang Piu Chao
Novel Enterprises Ltd.
Honorary Chairman
The Wharton Global Alumni Forum in Hong Kong